A Fast Response Security Service

Retained Protection™* is an on-call Close Protection Service for students, travellers or High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI's). Retained Protection™ operates 24/7, 365 days of the year, predominantly in London, Paris, Rome and Cannes (during the Festival de Cannes). Other locations are available on request. Retained Protection™ is a dynamic Close Protection Service that can be tailored to your exact needs. This is a service designed for those who do not require full-time Close Protection but who wish to benefit from the following:

  • Phone Call or Panic Button Response**
  • 24 Hour Call Out - Fast Response
  • Anytime Advice (cultural or security advise)
  • Satellite Tracking (quotes provided on request)

* Retained Protection™ is a registered Trademark of Intelligent Protection International Limited. ** Panic Button response is available upon purchase of Panic System (quotes provided on request).

All of our operatives are bilingual and extremely experienced. All are former Military and have a high level of training in First Aid. They are qualified and registered Close Protection Officers under British, Italian or French Law.

Intelligent Protection International Limited has a very slick and well-practiced set of “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP’s) that we have used for a number of years. These include, how we respond to a call-out or alarm activation and who we call (parents or company directors etc.) in case of an emergency. Our operatives are only a phone call or panic button activation away. Upon an emergency call-out, two operatives will respond as per our SOP’s. They will liaise when required with the Police, authorities or Embassies for and on behalf of you, your child or employee.

Security for Students at University

Retained Protection™ was originally designed for clients with children away at University. It's ideal because it's non-intrusive and you can call and request us to make a social call, or, covertly monitor your child as and when you see fit.

As the parent, you have a single point of contact with us here in the UK where we manage our world-wide operations. You will have a “duty” number and this is answered 24/7, 365 days of the year. If you want to talk, we will answer the phone and we will deal with your problem or concern and we will relay any action or information required to our operatives on the ground.

Security for the Business Traveller

It goes without saying that Retained Protection™ is ideal for business travellers. Exactly the same principle, only we include two full days of Close Protection (which equates to 12 hours per day) in place of “social calls”.

Retained Protection™ pricing includes:
  • 2x emergency call-outs, social calls and covert monitoring*** or two 12 hour shifts of Close Protection.

*** Should usage of this service exceed two call-outs, social calls or two full days of protection, then our full daily rate would apply. This can of course be discussed with us.

Instructing Us

If you wish to instruct us, or wish to know more about our Retained Protection™ Services, please contact us, we would be happy to discuss your requirements and address any concerns you may have.

Hire our experienced Bodyguards

If you are interested in our Bodyguard services, please get in touch.

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London Office

Intelligent Protection International Limited
330 High Holborn
United Kingdom

Discuss your Security and Protection requirements

Whatever and wherever your requirement, Intelligent Protection will be able to find a workable solution.

Contact us

Join us at Intelligent Protection

Intelligent Protection International Limited, is always interested in hearing from professional Bodyguards from around the world, who meet our employment criteria. We are especially interested in bilingual and trilingual Operatives with Royal or Executive Protection experience.

Join our team